
Monday, October 26, 2015

What are the differences between the 21 Day Fix and the 21 Day Fix Extreme?

In February 2015 Beachbody launched it's follow up program to the 21 Day Fix, called the 21 Day Fix Extreme. I've done both programs and the #1 question I get from clients is...

What are the differences between these two programs???

Before I tell you the differences between the two, I have to tell you what is the SAME about both programs.

In the 21 Day Fix and the 21 Day Fix Extreme:
  1. Workouts are right around 30 minutes each day.
  2. Workouts are a mix of cardio, weights, yoga, and pilates.
  3. Color-coded, portion-controlled serving containers are included.
  4. Shaker bottle is included.
  5. Very detailed eating plan is included.
  6. Modifier for each workout.
  7. You choose the amount of weight/resistance you use.

Here's how the 21 Day Fix Extreme is different:
  1. Modifier is lower impact, but still intense.
  2. Shorter breaks between exercises.
  3. Most moves are weighted or use the resistance band.
  4. NO Cheats!
  5. Some of the foods from the bottom of the lists have been eliminated.
  6. Includes the Countdown to Competition plan.

In case you are a visual learner, here's a picture comparison chart :)

My favorite parts about this program are that they WORK! You aren't going to lose 30 pounds in 21 days. You can realistically expect to lose 5-15. If you want to keep losing, then keep doing the program(s) for another round or two. Want to maintain, follow the maintenance plan. Want to mix it up? Check out one of Beachbody's other amazing programs!

I always have accountability groups starting. They are done online through Facebook and we get RESULTS! Fill out the application below to let me know you want in my next group! 

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Thursday, October 22, 2015

Caramel Cocoa Shakeology

I found this recipe on the Team Beachbody blog and had to share it! It's perfect for this time of year (hello FALL!) and is MUCH cheaper than the expensive coffee drinks from coffee houses!

Total Time: 10 min.
Prep Time: 10 min.
Cooking Time: None
Yield: 1 serving

1 cup brewed coffee, chilled
1 tsp. pure caramel extract
1 scoop Vanilla Shakeology
1 Tbsp. unsweetened cocoa powder
1 cup ice

1. Place coffee, extract, Shakeology, cocoa powder, and ice in blender; cover. Blend until smooth.

Nutritional Facts (as per blog):