
Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Focus T25 Results Success Spotlight

I recently had the priviledge of meeting Wendy. She was a challenger in a Challenge Group I was running. Throughout the entire 70 days - she didn't miss a beat. She NAILED her T25 workouts and got AMAZING results. Here's her before picture and her story:

"My name is Wendy and I am 36 years old. I am an Attorney in a small firm in Southwestern Pennsylvania. I have been married for almost 14 years to my awesome Husband, and together we have three (3) amazing children, Gavin age 10, Grant age 7, and Grace age 2! I work full time, and after work I am a hockey mom, football mom, and now, a Beachbody coach.  When I say I’m busy, I’m not joking.  I work Monday through Friday from 8:30 to 5:00, and then we run 4 out of 5 nights a week with hockey practice and once football starts it will be 5 nights a week.  Plus we have hockey games or football games every weekend.  This does not leave a lot of spare time.

Every year I make a New Year's resolution to lose weight. Every year, I start some new exercise program or weight loss gimmick. Every year, by mid-January I quit and give up. This year, I changed my New Year's resolution. I resolved to take care of myself. 

You see, over the past 10 years, I have neglected me. I have gained over 35 pounds since my pre-pregnancy weight. I have tried everything, counting points, cleanses, joined the gym, bought frozen diet meals, bought the powder junk you sprinkle on your food, I even bought a home gym. NOTHING WORKED. In January, I realized that our drive-thru, eating on the go lifestyle, has negatively affected not only me, but my family. Despite my oldest son being actively involved in football and hockey, he was tipping the scales at 123 pounds at 10 years of age. I was at the highest non-pregnant weight I had ever been. None of my clothes fit right and I hated going shopping for new ones, because I could not bear buying that next size. My daughter was in a wedding on January 4th.  She was the most beautiful little flower girl I had ever seen.  I have ZERO pictures of her and I at the wedding.  You know why?  Because I was embarrassed to be seen in photos.  

I lost my mother 3 years ago to cancer.  I was 33 at the time.  I miss her every day and wish she could be here to see my kids grow up into the amazing children they are.  She never met my daughter, because she was born after my mom passed.  I knew that my time with my children was precious and I don’t want to miss out on being a part of their lives, but I also knew the path I was on was disastrous, I needed to change. 

Out of the blue I began noticing posts on Facebook by my friend KellyAnn Hawking, and I discovered that she was a beach body coach. I had no idea what that meant, but I asked her for help, and she delivered. Kelly suggested the T25 program because I was giving her my poor excuses about not having time and being really out of shape.  She said that T25 was only 25 minutes and there were modifications for all of the moves.   She also suggested Shakeology and a clean eating meal plan.  

So, I started the T25 workout program with the Shakeology nutrition shake once per day.  I also found a free 5 day 'eat clean' challenge group on Facebook, and I learned all about clean eating. Eating clean, changed my family’s lifestyle. We have cut processed foods from our meals. We now eat and drink all natural, whole, unprocessed foods. I realize the health benefits of doing this for myself, as well as for my family. We all benefit from this change. I also joined an online challenge group for the T25 and realize now how important those other challengers and coaches were in helping me attain my results.  I looked to that group every day for motivation, inspiration, and accountability!  

Thirty days after starting the clean eating, T25 and Shakeology, I had lost 16 pounds.  After ten weeks, I was down 3 dress sizes, and 25.4 pounds.   I have lost over 10 inches in my waist, 4 inches each thigh, 3.5 inches on my hips, 3 inches in the chest, and 1.5 inches in each arm.  

I feel better than I have in a very long time.  I have more confidence and more energy to get things done, and I think I have become a positive role model for my children and husband.  They help me with meal planning and grocery shopping and are very supportive with my 25 minutes with Shaun T every evening!  I have become a Shakeology ‘Superfan’!  This stuff has replaced my obligatory morning coffee routine and I absolutely love it!  And Shaun T, well, he’s become part of the family!  My plan is to restart the T25 program on April 21st, with the challenge groups, but in the meantime, I will keep doing the workouts randomly to stay active!"

Ready for those after pics? How's this for a transformation???

Need to see them side by side??? Ask and ye shall recieve!

So - Why am I showing you Wendy's results? The answer is two fold. 

1 - Wendy is PROOF that it can be done and it WORKS!

2 - I want YOU to be inspired to do something and change YOUR life! 

My team, Team Harmony, has a T25 only challenge group coming up on April 21st. I want YOU to be a part of it. I want YOU to make the decision to change your life. I want to HELP YOU reach your goals. Summer is JUST around the corner. Decide. Commit. Succeed. 

All you have to do is fill out the application below and I will be in touch. 


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Monday, April 7, 2014

T25 Summer Slim Down Challenge Group and Results

The first book I ever read as a child was "Marvin K. Mooney Will You Please Go Now!" by Dr. Seuss. Of course, I didn't actually read it at the ripe age of 3. I had it memorized.

As I was preparing to write this blog post, a certain line from the book kept creeping into my mind:

The time has come
The time is now
Marvin K. Mooney
Will you please go now?

Why did that part of the book stick with me so much right now? Well, that's easy. It's because...


It's officially Spring folks! The birds are chirping. Our yards are MUDDY! Flowers are emerging. Heck, we even heard peepers  in the pond the other night! 

With Spring also comes fears for a lot of people. Will my clothes from last year fit? What about bathing suits? I've eaten too much - I'm not ready for Spring!

We've all been there - right? Heck - I'm there right now!

So - Let's DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT! Let's make a change and let's do it TOGETHER!

Starting on April 21st, I am going to be running a Summer Slim Down Challenge group. We start on April 21st and end on June 22nd - just in time for SUMMER! We are all going to work out to one program - Focus T25. It has helped SO many people get their bodies back! WHY NOT YOU TOO?

I mean - check out these results! These ladies are MY CHALLENGERS!!! All they did was follow the program, drink shakeology daily, eat clean, and check in daily with our Facebook group! I promise - it's not rocket science! 

Meet Jen - aren't her results PHENOMINAL???

How about Wendy - HOLY MOLY WOMAN! 

So - what's the deal? How do you get results like this?

Step 1 - Sign up for a free account with ME as your coach.

Step 2 - Fill out the application to be in the challenge group.

Step 3 - Find me on Facebook and friend request me.

Here's the scoop about the group:

To participate, you must purchase the T25 Challenge Pack, which includes your program AND a month supply of Shakeology. Lucky for you - it's on sale for the month of April 2014. It's like getting a bag of Shakeology for $60! That's cheaper than I can buy it as a coach!

Then, you are committing to replace one meal a day with shakeology for the ENTIRE 10 weeks. I know, I know. Some people are very hesitant to commit to drinking a SHAKE for 10 weeks. What if it tastes bad? What if it doesn't fill me up? What if What if What if???

Good thing for you that Shakeology is unlike ANYTHING out there. It's the perfect protein to carb ratio so it will fill you up for a good 2.5 - 3 hours, more depending on what you add to it. It's also FULL of dense nutrition. It's made from 70+ WHOLE FOODS from around the world. There's nothing artificial. It's all good, wholesome food!

Best part - Shakeology tastes AMAZING! And it comes in a bunch of different flavors - Chocolate, Vanilla, Strawberry, Greenberry, Vegan Chocolate, and Vegan Tropical Strawberry! Most people like to get the Triple Combo Pack to start off with so they can sample the Chocolate, Vanilla, and Strawberry. Then they usually switch to a bag of whatever flavor they choose!

Also, you get ME as your coach! I will help to motivate you. I will keep you accountable. I will post little assignments to keep you engaged. You will find lifelong friends in your fellow challengers. I will post tips, tricks, recipes, and meal plans. You get the whole shebang!

We post all of this in a closed Facebook group. No one can see what's in the group and no one ever will without your permission. That means you can post your before pics (if you want) without fear of them leaking out or being ridiculed! In the group you will find your biggest supporters!

So - what do you think? Are you ready to change your life? All you have to do now is fill out the challenge group application below and I will be in touch shortly! I can't wait to work with you!!!


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Friday, April 4, 2014

How do you rank advance as a Beachbody Coach?

This has to be another one of the most popular questions I get from people! So, I thought I'd take a minute and break it down for you!

When you first sign up as a Beachbody Coach, you have a title: Coach. 

Within that Coach rank, you can be an active coach or an inactive coach.
  • An active coach keeps 50 pv (personal volume) every 35 days and pays their business fee each month ($15.95). That means that you have either purchased or sold something that carries a value of 50 pv within the past 5 weeks. That's very easy to do, especially if you drink Shakeology daily!
  • An inactive coach is someone who does NOT have 50 pv every 35 days but still keeps up on their business fees each month. In order for an inactive coach to become active, you have to purchase or sell something worth that 50 pv. Then you are good to go for another 35 days.

The next step after the Coach rank is EMERALD RANK. Once you hit Emerald, you being to Cycle Bonus. I'll do another post on how to earn money as a beachbody coach later! An Emerald Coach has three requirements they must meet:
  • 50 pv every 5 weeks
  • Two Personally Sponsored (PS) active coaches, one on each leg.
  • Paid business fees each month.

Here's a little visual aid for the visual learners:

The second step in rank advancing is to become a RUBY COACH. A Ruby Coach has three requirements they must also meet:
  • 75 pv every 5 weeks
  • Four (4) active PS coaches, two on each leg. One coach on each leg must also rank advance from Coach to Emerald Coach. 
  • Paid business fees each month

Again - for the visual learners:

The third step in Beachbody Rank Advancing is to become a DIAMOND COACH. A Diamond Coach also has three requirements.
  • 100 pv every 5 weeks
  • Eight (8) active PS coaches, four (4) on each leg. One coach on each leg must be an active, paid Emerald Rank.
  • Business fees paid monthly

Here's the visual:

Wanna see all them put together in one pretty picture???

Once you hit Diamond Coach status, things start to get really fun! Now, in order for you to rank advance further, you must become a leader. You must help YOUR TEAM rank advance. There are 14 more rank advancements that can happen, 1 star through 15 star (also known as Super Star) Diamond.

In order to rank advance from Diamond to 1 Star Diamond, you must add two more PS active coachs to your downline and help a PS coach achieve Diamond status themselves. Instead of me explaining each and every Star Diamond rank requirement, take a look at the following pictures. The explain it WAY better than I ever could!

1 - 5 Star Diamond Rank Advancement:

6 - 10 Star Diamond Rank Advancement:

11 - 15 Star Diamond Rank Advancement:

Along with rank advancing, there are opportunities to earn bonus' at each level. The benchmarks for bonus' are at 2 Star, 5 Star, 10 Star, and Super Star ranks. Again, I'll explain this more later on. Let's just say that you want to hit these benchmarks as soon as possible!

So now you know how to rank advance in Beachbody. NOW WHAT? 

That's easy! Join my team! Help other people help themselves while you help yourself! It's a win-win situation! Just fill out the application below and I will be in touch very soon! I can't wait to talk to you!

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Focus T25 Results and Test Group

As a Diamond Beachbody Coach, I anxiously await an email on the last day of each month. It's our Diamond Insider sneak peak at the coming month's specials. It drives me NUTS when I don't get the email before I head to bed!

I'm one of those people who CANNOT wait!

So - anyways - I was anxiously awaiting this email Monday night and I had been hearing rumors all day about what the April Beachbody promotions were going to be.

The one rumor that caught my ear was that the Focus T25 Challenge Pack was going to be on sale! It is normally $205 and the April promo price is $180! That's a savings of $25 over the already discounted Challenge Pack!

When I got my email at 9pm - my suspicions were confirmed! The T25 Challenge Pack WAS on sale! WOO HOO!

Wait a minute. Back that horse up. You don't know what a Challenge Pack is? Well, let me tell you!

A challenge pack is a deeply discounted bundle from Beachbody. It's also the ticket into one of my test/challenge groups! Your challenge pack includes the following:
  1. Your COMPLETE workout program
  2. A month supply of Shakeology
  3. A month FREE upgrade to the club membership on (think meal planner, chats with trainers, etc.)
  4. $2 shipping. 
  5. A support and accountability group to help you reach your goals.

Now, let's do some simple math to break it down a little further for you:
  • Focus T25, PROGRAM ONLY, is $119.85 + shipping (around $15)
  • A one month supply of Shakeology is $129.95 + shipping (around $15)
  • Total for T25 and Shakeology separately = $279.80

With the normally priced Challenge Pack, they discount everything to $205, ok - $207 after shipping.

For this month, April 2014 - they are discounting the Focus T25 Challenge Pack to $180 ($182 after shipping)!!! 

SERIOUSLY! It doesn't get much better!

Need proof? Check out these Focus T25 Transformation!

Here's Amanda - a very good friend of mine. The pic on the left is her starting pic with T25. The pic on the right is her ending pic. GO KAUF!!!

How about Lindsay's results??? She lost 19 pounds and 13 INCHES! Woo Hoo Woman!

And what about Joy B's results??? All she did was follow the program!

And Deidra P? These are only her 30 day results! Yeah - HELLO ABS!!! This girl has had TWO kids!!!

You've seen the results. You know what's involved. NOW WHAT DO YOU DO???

Easy! Now you join my Exclusive T25 Text Group that starts on April 21st. If you would like to participate, fill out the form below and I will be in touch! We are gonna have a great time and kick the summer of the right way! 

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