
Thursday, June 19, 2014

PiYo VIP Test Group

Sooo - guess what? You know that awesome PiYo program that every beachbody coach has been talking about? Well - it was supposed to be released on Monday, June 23. Turns out - it's going to be released TODAY!!!! 

WHAT THE WHAT?!?!?! This is HUGE HUGE HUGE news! Do not wait. This program WILL sell out. Follow my directions below and JOIN MY GROUP set to start on July 7th!

Now onto my original blog post that I wrote in the Denver airport:

Ohhhh baby! I’m on my connecting jet plane as I type this blog post! Summit 2014 in Las Vegas, Nevada – HERE I COME! Four days of personal development, networking, meeting trainers, and shopping Beachbody style!

My first purchase???

HELLO PiYo!!! WOO HOO! I’m buying it first thing tomorrow morning and starting the program on Monday, June 23 and apparently YOU can buy it tomorrow (June 19th) too!!! I will be posting the link to the Challenge Pack ($140) as soon as I have it.

First – you need to know the best part about PiYo’s release on Monday – it’s going to be on sale, including a month supply of Shakeology for $140! A bag of Shakeology normally costs $129.95 itself, so this is a STEAL!

Starting on July 7, I’m running a Team Harmony EXCLUSIVE PiYo test group! There are a few requirements for this test group:

  1. You must be my client. You can go to to sign up for a free account.
  2. You must purchase the PiYo challenge pack. Go to
  3. You must fill out the Test Group/Challenge Group application at

Why join my test group? That’s easy! Join us for support, accountability, meal plans, recipes, and FUN! We will all be working out to PiYo together. Lots of people to support you, challenge you, and answer your questions!

Seriously – who doesn’t want to lose weight and tone up without any impact to you joints? UMMM – EVERYONE! Haha!

Now – I promised you some info about PiYo and here it is!

PiYo is the brainchild of celebrity trainer Chalene Johnson. You might have heard of her from programs like TurboJam, ChaLEAN Extreme, and TurboFire. My very first Beachbody program was ChaLEAN Extreme and I loved every second of it!

PiYo combines the very best of Pilates and Yoga and turns the intensity up quite a few notches but not the impact. Yup – you read that right! A LOW impact program that burns a LOT of calories and tones every muscle in your body!

PiYo is a 60 day program with 8 workouts. Wanna know more about each workout? Read below!

Align – Learn the basic PiYo terminology, proper alignment, and available modifications while Chalene takes you through a strengthening flow that will have your blood pumping!

Sweat – This is a 30 minute transitional PiYo workout. It incorporates effective dynamic conditioning, fast-paced cardio yoga-flows, body weight resistance strength training, powerful athletic moves, and ab work into one workout!

Core – This ab workout hits your powerhouse from every angle, building a strong core while creating flat, sculpted, and totally toned abs, obliques, and back!

Define (lower body) – This workout will shape and tone everything from your glutes and hamstrings to your glues and calves in a gentle yet effective way. This workout is your key to sleek and lean legs!

Define (upper body) – This workout will chisel away at your upper body and get you on your way to shaping your arms and sculpting your shoulders.

Drench – The warm up and stretch of this program focuses on upper and lower body while the power section gets your heart-rate into fat burning mode. Then we focus on lower body to improve muscle endurance, balance, and flexibility.

Sculpt – A muscular endurance workout that uses varying tempos to keep your muscles under tension for longer periods of time.

Strength Intervals – This workout is a NON-STOP body carving, calorie incinerating workout that uses no weights, no equipment, and gives you no bulk! We will alternate between intervals of hard core body weight resistance exercises and heart-rate elevating athletic moves that melt away fat and promote long, lean muscle development.

BONUS PiYo Buns – This workout is only available if you purchase PiYo through me! It focuses on glues and is designed to lift, redefine, and tighten the entire backside of your body! Who doesn’t want THAT?!?!

So – now you know what the workouts are like. You know how to join the PiYo test group. You know what all the workouts entail. WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR??? Let’s do this TOGETHER!

If you have ANY questions, do not hesitate to email me (contact info in a tab at the top of my blog)! I am here to help you SUCCEED!!!

I can’t wait to start this journey with you!

Star Diamond Coach

Sunday, June 1, 2014

What a Spring!

Wow. I can't believe that I haven't written a blog post since April!!! It's now June 1!

I should know by now that April and May are going to be crazy busy in the Levere household. It's nearing the end of the school year and concert season is quickly upon me and my students.

April and May 2014 were no exception. Well, actually, they were the exception. There were a few other extra circumstances that made these two months even rougher.

Let's start with the ongoing battle with my daughter Piper. She was officially diagnosed with Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis in March. Luckily for her, it's contained to her left ankle right now, so it's called Oglioarticular JIA. Oglio-JIA is when the arthritis affects less than 4 joints. A steroid injection into her ankle has helped bring the swelling down but we are still on Aleve twice a day to get the swelling completely gone.

Then there's Piper's eye issue. Along with JIA comes eye inflammation. Our rhumatologist said that Piper was at a low risk for this inflammation. Only 20% of kids with her type of JIA get Uveitis. Turns out, she's got it! Her right eye was inflamed. Prescription to fix the inflammation? 4 steroid drops a day in her right eye for 2 weeks and then 2 drops a day for 3 weeks. After a follow up visit to the pediatric opthamologist in early May, her inflammation was gone. So we are doing a steroid taper. 2 drops a day for 1 more week, one drop a day for 2 weeks, a week without drops, and then get checked again. We take her back in on her 2nd birthday - June 12th. Then it's a minimum of 4 times a year to check for inflammation.

In the grand scheme of things JIA isn't a big deal. Yes, she will deal with it her entire life. Or maybe it will go away. All we know right now is that she is happy, healthy, and pain free.

My family was also hit with the bomb in April that my step-dad has stage 4 esophageal cancer that has spread to his liver and also a mass in his ribs. He is undergoing 3 different types of chemo right now to help shrink the tumors. Chemo has brought lots of sickness and a 50 pound weight loss. My 6 foot 6 inch step-dad, who usually hangs around 256 pounds, is trying his best to stay above the 200 mark right now. When he gets past the after effects of the 2 different types of chemo in his port, he is able to eat again, which we are hopeful that that means that the tumor is shrinking. We won't know until another round of chemo on the 6th of June and then a scan on the 20th of June.

So, yeah. There's that.

Then, out of the blue, my husband and I found out we were expecting the day after Easter. It came as a COMPLETE shock to us. We weren't trying nor were/are we even sure we want a third child. We weren't sure when our due date was, but we estimated sometime between Dec. 10 and Dec. 25. Since I am still nursing Piper, my cycles were off and we hadn't seen our Midwife yet.

Well, we had the good news (ok - shocking news - I cried a LOT) for about a week before I began to have a miscarriage. A miscarriage is not something I would wish on my worst enemy. We've now had two of them. Our first pregnancy and then this last pregnancy. It hit me VERY hard. I had just gotten used to the idea of a third baby. A Christmas baby. Our surprise third baby. Then it was ripped away as quickly as it was given to us.

Luckily I have a new found relationship with God. I know that everything happens for a reason. I know that this baby was just not meant to be. For the most part, I'm at peace with our loss now. I still have my moments. I still mourn the baby I will never get to hold. But, you know what? I have two beautiful children right here that love me and need me each and every day. So, I pick myself up off the ground and put a smile on my face. I tell people about my loss because people need to know that it affects more women that we let on.

Last - the month of May is deemed "mom's crazy month" in our house. As a beginning band director, May is my biggest month. I have 4 evening concerts, 4 daytime concerts, two days of presentations to the 3rd graders, a parent information meeting night, two days of tryouts, and two evenings of tryouts. I miss more bedtimes in May that I miss the rest of the year combined. BUT - it's part of my job. It's a part of the job that I LOVE because it's such a big deal for my students. Their concerts are the time when they get to shine. Those butterflies you get before going on stage are not well known to a lot of people. But if you are lucky enough to have experienced them in your lifetime, you know what I'm talking about. I love my students. I love seeing my students succeed. I love igniting the fire inside of them for performing and for music.

So - all in all - it's been a REALLY busy Spring. My goal for the summer is to blog consistently. Get back to my roots. Go to Summit. Grow my team. Help more people. Become a 5 star diamond coach. <--- yeah - I just put that out there. I have 4 stars to go. My team will do it. They are amazing.

Thanks for listening to my crazy ramblings on this Sunday night. I have #5morewakeups with kids. I can do this. Summer break is so close I can taste it. Success is just around the corner. I'm ready to make the Summer of 2014 into MY SUMMER!
