
Saturday, November 29, 2014

Introducing Insanity Max 30!

OHHHHH baby!!! Just THREE days until Insanity: Max 30 is released! I cannot wait for this program! 

My team and I ran a Max Out group the past two weeks and everyone LOVED it. The idea is to push yourself past your limits. Then the next time you do the workout, the only person you have to beat is YOURSELF! 

Ok, ok. So I'm sure you have questions. Like, what exactly IS Insanity: Max 30? Well, please take a minute to read all the info below!

What is Insanity: Max30?
Insanity: Max30 is full of 150 new moves to help you dig a little deeper and get your body in the very best shape of your life. This workout combines cardio and strength moves without using any equipment at all. 

Your body is your equipment for this workout! 
Nothing more, nothing less. Just YOURSELF! 

The program is 60 days long and is broken down into month 1 and month 2. The workouts are all 30 minutes each with a 10 minute ab workout. The idea of this program is not to make it through the entire 30 minutes, but to "MAX OUT" and go as hard as you can until you have to take a break! You actually WANT to max out, it's not a bad thing. You actually track your daily progress by your Max Out times and aim to increase that time with each workout.

Who is Insanity: Max30 for?  
Insanity: Max30 is for a beginner who wants to jump start their journey with an insane workout (it does have a modifier), a T25 graduate ready for a harder challenge, or an Insanity grad looking to take it to the next level!  

This program is NOT about your physical fitness. It's about your mental game!  Anyone can do Insanity: MAX30, you just have to want to to do it! You have to have that internal motivation and drive to every single day show up no matter how pretty it is.

So you can the person wanting to lose 5lbs, 10lbs, 50 or 100 lbs.  This workout is for you if you are mentally strong and ready to rock it.

What are the workouts like:
Month 1 workouts are a combination of cardio and tabata style strength workouts!  You no longer have a fit test like Insanity but every single workout is your fit test because your goal  is to beat your time from the day before!  

What is a tabata workout?  
It is 20 seconds on and 10 seconds off with the workout structure.

Month 2 is all about taking it to the max and challenging yourself to the max! The intervals are longer and the rest time stays the same so it's challenging your endurance and strength.

For month 2 the intervals are 45 seconds on and 15 seconds off.

What about reaching a plateau?  
If you reach a plateau it's not a bad thing. It's actually something to celebrate because it means that you worked hard to get to that plateau and now its time to work harder, go further, use my core, eat better so that I can break the plateau and get to the next one! Insanity Max30 is going to be your plateau breaker!

Whats different about this program?
You might feel like you are maxing out in one move but then you switch and it gives you a little break so you can max out in another way!  The intervals are also a little different, 3 moves, 30 seconds each 3 rounds. You do a little more a little longer and a little harder.
The focus is really on that recovery time. Your recovery time is to enhance other parts of the workout. Your focus is to really be self motivated beyond this 60 days! This workout is really a mindset.  It's truly about being able to mentally tell yourself that you can do that. 

Is there a modifier?
Yes- there is a modifier track option so that you can see the modifier all the time during the workout which makes it easier to follow.

What is Maxing out?  
To Max Out means to stop or fail for the first time in the workout. It's really truly not about getting through all 30 minutes. It's about going as hard as you can for as long as you can, until you MAX OUT. Write down the time take a break, and then you want to jump back into the workout.  If you stay committed and push to your max you will add more time each week with the workouts!  


What comes with the kit and how much does it cost??

Month 1:  

Cardio Challenge: 1st workout and you use it as your guide and your first fit test per se.  It's all cardio, its 4 1/2 minute interval 30 second rest.

Sweat Intervals: Cardio type intervals that you ridiculously sweat with the same interval training.

Tabata Power: Plyometrics, and comes down to where you are not jumping and is meant to generate power in your core. Great ab block in there!  

Friday Fight  Killer!

5 day a week program!  

There is a Pulse workout for Saturday and it's optional. It's more of a pulse, balance, modifier type workout.  Focus on core, balance and form. 

Month 2:
All the workouts are still 30 minutes.  Now you have Max out cardio & Max out Sweat with power moves to 5 1/2 minutes and then the break. 

Tabata Workouts: Max out Strength and Max Out Power
45 seconds on 15 second rest and 6 rounds and at the end an extra something!

Friday Fight Round 2:  It's just killer round 2. 

12 Workouts on 10 DVDS, MAX out Nutrition Guide, Restaurant Guide, Wall Calendar.
60 day program, 30 days of workouts in each block.

Coach Exclusive:  SWEAT FEST is the coach exclusive that you only get when you buy from a coach.  Old Insanity cast members and coaches!  It's just a little impromptu workout that is a rockin good time!

Why Should you track your progress: 
When you are doing such an intense workout, you NEED to see results. You want to see each week how far you went and if you went 1 minute longer. You can always have a challenge for yourself.

Meal Plan:  
Flexible eating and portion control.

Portion control is amazing.  It's the most important thing you can do to get even better results.  If you manage your portions you can eat again sooner!  
The Meal plan is crucial to your progress!  It's a great meal plan that is super easy to follow and effective and efficient!

The Deluxe Kit comes with 3 extra workouts and the portion controlled containers.  

So how can you get it?  
Well you can only get it through a Team Beachbody coach starting on the 2nd of December!  So if you do not have a coach make sure to make me yours! Click HERE to create a FREE profile and send me a message by clicking the "CONTACT MY COACH" button to get the scoop on max 30.  Or you can complete the application below to get more information on participating in the Insanity: Max30 test group starting on the 29th of December!  

What is the Insanity Max30 Test Group?
I am going to be running a very private and exclusive Max30 test group. We will chat daily on Facebook and post about our challenges. You can apply by completing the application below to be considered for a spot in the group.  

Each participant is required to purchase the Insanity Max30 program from me as their coach. Each participant is required to replace 1 meal a day with Shakeology for the duration of the program. The best option is to get the challenge pack because it has free shipping, discounted price, and includes everything you need to get started right!  

Why Shakeology? 
Because you need the best brain and muscle fuel you can get during this workout. You want to have this nutrient dense meal replacement every single day so that your muscles are getting vitamins and nutrients to recover from the intense workouts, you are getting portion control that is fueling you for your next workout and is keeping you healthy. Remember - for most people it replaces that drive thru, that daily stop out for lunch or the excessive snacks they used to eat because they didn't have time to make a proper meal. You aren't adding to your grocery list, you are replacing a meal! 

Shakeology has changed my life. My IBS is GONE and I have never felt better. I believe in this product with my whole mind, body, and soul. It truly makes a difference. Will Shakeology be the reason you lose weight? NO. It's not a magic pill. It's going to give your body the nutrients it needs so that you aren't craving junk. It's going to help your body repair itself. It's going to change your life!

What will you get from me?  
You will get access to a closed online facebook group. No one but the members of the group can see what is being posted. I will help you prepare ahead of time for your start of the workout. We will talk measurements, before photos, meal plan, nutrition guide, recipes and motivation! We will even walk through when your workout time will be, how will you make time, and any obstacles you see that might pop up in the next 60 days. It's all about having balance, it's not about being perfect but empowering yourself to be the best that you can be! 

Does this sound like something you would like to do??? Apply now before all of the spots are gone!
Then, complete the application below for more information and to be added to the list and be the FIRST to get the workout program!

If you don't have a Beachbody Coach, MAKE ME YOUR COACH HERE!!!

I hope to talk to you soon!

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

21 Day Fix Holiday Accountability Group

Let's face it - this time of year is TOUGH! Parties, Thanksgiving, more parties, Christmas, more parties, New Year's, I could go on and on!

Did you know that the average person gains 7 POUNDS in November and December?!?! Seriously. That's crazy!

I don't know about you, but I don't want to be a part of that statistic! I know that a lot of my friends, family, and followers struggle, JUST LIKE ME, during this holiday season. If we want to beat the statistic, we need to CHANGE OUR HABITS!

So - I'm gonna do just that! It only takes 21 days to change a habit - right???

OK - great! Then from Dec. 1 - 21, I am going to follow and complete the 21 Day Fix. Its 21 days. It's a portion controlled meal plan. It's easy to follow. It will change my habits. It will keep me on track. Heck - it has CHOCOLATE and WINE incorporated into the plan! That's a plan that I can do!

Now I want to invite all of you to do it with me! Let's battle this holiday bulge together! Best part - you don't have to live near me! You can be in Alaska while I'm in Pennsylvania and you can still do the program WITH me!

My groups are entirely run on Social Media - mainly Facebook. We are all part of a secret group that talk EVERY DAY! We push each other to do better. We make sure we are all eating well. We have fun!!!

In order to be in this group, there are a few requirements:
  1. You must be my customer via In order to sign up as my customer, just click HERE and you can make a FREE account. That lets me know that you are interested and want to participate! 
  2. You must incorporate Shakeology into your day. You can already be drinking it or purchase it with your program. 
  3. You must purchase or own the 21 Day Fix. If you already have it, GREAT! If not, click HERE to purchase it WITH Shakeology at a serious discount! 
  4. You must be my friend on Facebook so I can add you to the secret group! Click HERE to get to my profile and add me as a friend!
  5. You must fill out the application at the bottom of this blog post!

I hope you decide to join me and not let this holiday season get the best of you!


Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Free holiday accountability groups

My team and I had a moment of genius! We all have a tough time in November and December. All the parties. All the candy. All the food. Our poor pants are crying by the time New Years rolls around.

Well, NOT THIS YEAR! We are offering FREE groups for you the entire way through the New Year! These are short (two weeks long) groups designed to keep you accountable and on your toes!

We currently have our Planks & Thanks group going and we are having a blast!

Next up is our Leggings & Lunges group, which starts on Nov. 10.

After that is our Team Harmony MAX OUT group, starting on Nov. 17th. 

(graphic to come soon!)

Our December groups will be announced a little bit later this month. We will NOT be starting a FREE group the week of Thanksgiving. That just seems cruel :)

In order to join one or more of our free groups, all you have to do is go to and sign up to have me as your free coach. Then use the "contact your coach" button at the top of your page to send me an email to let me know what group you want to be in. We will talk more from there!

Remember - these groups are absolutely, 100% FREE. The only thing I ask of you is that you make me your coach by clicking on the link above. This helps me keep track of everyone that I am helping :)
