
Friday, December 7, 2012

Beachbody Ultimate Reset

The name says it all. The Beachbody Ultimate Reset.

This is a 21 day program that is designed to train your body from the inside out! It's designed to restore your body back to it's natural settings - you could call it a "factory reset".

Ok - great. This is just another juice cleanse - right?


During the Ultimate Reset, you'll eat three healthy, satisfying meals a day and take supplements. You won't starve, drink only juice, or eat only meal replacements. You'll become familiar with delicious new foods and recipes that will help you maintain your health gains beyond those 21 days. In other words, The Ultimate Reset isn't a quick fix. It's a path to real, long-term change.

Help your body start fresh!

Whether you're looking to finally get healthy and fit for the first time and know Beachbody Ultimate Reset™ is that first important step, or you want to optimize your stamina and metabolism to take your fitness regimen to the next level, the Beachbody Ultimate Reset can benefit you because it's optimized for all levels of health and fitness.

Beachbody Ultimate Reset is a unique program that helps people of all ages find relief from digestive problems, high blood pressure, bad cholesterol levels, asthma, arthritis, depression, and inflammatory conditions. It has also helped active individuals get even more out of their workouts because it restores the body and makes it more efficient.*

The Ultimate Reset entails three phases:

Phase 1 - Reclaim

During phase 1, you will balance you body chemistry with four of the six supplements in order to optimize its systems. This will also reduce cravings or dependencies on items such as sugar or caffeine.*

Phase 2 - Release

During phase 2 you will be reversing the effects of poor habits, unhealthy foods, and environmental toxins. You'll modify your diet so that your digestive system won't have to struggle, and digestive problems you may have experienced before, such as bloating and indigestion, will be significantly reduced as your gastrointestinal tract is cleansed.*

Phase 3 - Restore

In phase 2, you will experience a profound positive change in your mood and energy level. Youwill eat foods of high-nutrient value, whose nutrients are easily absorbed and return healthy bacteria to your freshly scrubbed digestive tract with pre- and probiotics. At this point, your body will be ready for ongoing nutrition and ready to perform at peak performance.* 

Some of the benefits* of the Beachbody Ultimate Reset are:

  • A stronger immune system
  • Increased energy and more endurance
  • Better digestion, metabolism and weight loss
  • A more positive mood and mental clarity

From now until December 16, 2012 The Beachbody Ultimate Reset is on sale for $30 off. This includes the Deluxe and Ultimate HD kits. The best bang for your buck, as always, is going to be the Ultimate Reset Challenge Pack. 

If you would like to know more about the Beachbody Ultimate Reset, please check out my ultimate reset website. Click on the picture below to get there!

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to friend me on Facebook or email me or even leave a comment right here on my blog! My goal is to help you be the best you can be!


*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Results may vary.

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