
Thursday, January 31, 2013

50 pounds gone forever



I've been looking forward to this day for a long time! 

I had been feeling like I was really in a rut the last few weeks. So, I decided to really clean up my eating this week and see just how much of a difference it made. 

Well GUESS WHAT??? It made all the difference in the world! I broke through my plateau and hit my 50 pounds gone forever goal! I am BEYOND excited! I am blown away.

I've only been on this weight loss journey for 4 MONTHS! Holy crap!!! I lost 50 pounds in 4 MONTHS!!!

And here's the best part! I didn't starve myself! I didn't workout 4 hours a day like a crazy person. I ate around 1600 calories each and every day. I made sure the food I was putting into my body was actually FUELING my body. I drank a TON of water - literally! I drank my shakeology every day. I worked out 30  - 50 minutes, 6 days a week. I lifted HEAVY! I built MUSCLE!

I know what you are thinking. She's one of these people who loses weight easily. She has all the time in the world to work at it. She has a lot of money to fuel her body right. Shakeology and good food isn't cheap. 


If I can do this, then anyone can. We don't have a lot of money. We are live off of two teachers salaries and I am on unpaid maternity leave right now. I've struggled with my weight my ENTIRE life. I had HORRIBLE eating habits. I was LAZY! 

I made the decision to not be that person anymore. I made the decision to commit to a 90 day program. I did whatever it took for 90 solid days. I succeeded!

Here are a few things I have learned in the past 4 months:
  1. I am stronger than I ever knew possible. Both mentally and physically. 
  2. Getting fit and healthy is a MENTAL game. Your body can go so much further than your mind thinks it can.
  3. An hour workout is 4% of your day. I'm worth taking at least that much time to myself each day!
  4. I am making a POSITIVE impact on my children by becoming a healthier and fitter version of me.
  5. I can and will help others achieve these same results.
  6. I cannot do it on my own. My family are my pillars. I couldn't do this without their support. 
  7. I can't look at my end goal every day. It's good to know where I want to be, but when you have A LOT of weight (over 50 pounds) to lose, that end goal looks SOOOOOO far away in the beginning. So, I set small, achievable goals. 5 pounds here, 10 pounds there, a new pants size, just getting through the day w/o eating junk! Little goals work!
  8. I am worth it. I need to feel good about myself. I DO feel good about myself!
  9. I am making a positive impact on my children. I am showing them how to eat right. I am showing them that daily exercise is a part of their life to look forward to, not run from.
  10. I am not even close to being done yet!
How many of you want to get fit? How many of you are scared to try? I was scared. I even asked my coach about how many people fail. She was honest with me. She told me that participation was the KEY to success. So, I decided to participate in the challenge group EVERY.SINGLE.DAY. It was non-negotiable. I had to do it. It kept me motivated. It kept me on track.

I would LOVE to help YOU achieve the same success I have had. All you have to do is reach out to me. Message me on Facebook HERE. Find me on Instagram and Twitter (klevere623). Shoot me an email. Sign up for a free Team Beachbody account HERE. All of my contact information is in my business card at the end of this post. I even linked my FB profile for you. Send me a message and LET'S DO THIS!!!



  1. Congrats on your huge milestone!!!! Took me a year to lose 50. I still have 30 to go to make my original goal. It's very rewarding to see what eating healthy and working out can do for you!

    1. Thanks Abbe! I'm glad to show you what is possible! You will reach your goal - just keep pushing though. I've been trying to hit the 50 pound mark for 3 weeks now. All it took was tightening up my diet a bit! Trust me, if I can do it, so can you!

  2. WOw. so inspired. I also put on 45 pounds in my first pregnancy. I used to be slim (and I struggled with weight issues even back then). I almost lost my mind when my body changed during pregnancy. I would cry night after night.

    It's now a year and a half later, I haven't been able to lose the last 20 pounds. I stumbled upon your blog this week (and I started clean eating this week- I take that as a sign) I will try this time to get it right. My fear is Plateau- How do I get past that....what even kills me the most is I have done this before. I lost about 50lbs or more years ago, but everything I try to do isn't just working and I find myself quitting.

    I hope I get it right this time. Taking a lot of tips from you.

    Thanks for sharing this experience.

    1. Sirius - I'm glad that you can find some inspiration from my journey! It hasn't been easy and it probably never will, but I'm really learning to LOVE the journey that I'm on.

      Congrats on losing 25 pounds! That's a HUGE accomplishment and nothing to be ashamed of! You can and will lose the last 20. Clean eating was the key for me. It felt like I was eating too much, but in reality, I hadn't been eating enough before!

      If you have a chance, pick up "The Eat Clean Diet Recharged" by Tosca Reno. It seriously is my bible!

      Good luck and keep me posted!
