
Wednesday, November 19, 2014

21 Day Fix Holiday Accountability Group

Let's face it - this time of year is TOUGH! Parties, Thanksgiving, more parties, Christmas, more parties, New Year's, I could go on and on!

Did you know that the average person gains 7 POUNDS in November and December?!?! Seriously. That's crazy!

I don't know about you, but I don't want to be a part of that statistic! I know that a lot of my friends, family, and followers struggle, JUST LIKE ME, during this holiday season. If we want to beat the statistic, we need to CHANGE OUR HABITS!

So - I'm gonna do just that! It only takes 21 days to change a habit - right???

OK - great! Then from Dec. 1 - 21, I am going to follow and complete the 21 Day Fix. Its 21 days. It's a portion controlled meal plan. It's easy to follow. It will change my habits. It will keep me on track. Heck - it has CHOCOLATE and WINE incorporated into the plan! That's a plan that I can do!

Now I want to invite all of you to do it with me! Let's battle this holiday bulge together! Best part - you don't have to live near me! You can be in Alaska while I'm in Pennsylvania and you can still do the program WITH me!

My groups are entirely run on Social Media - mainly Facebook. We are all part of a secret group that talk EVERY DAY! We push each other to do better. We make sure we are all eating well. We have fun!!!

In order to be in this group, there are a few requirements:
  1. You must be my customer via In order to sign up as my customer, just click HERE and you can make a FREE account. That lets me know that you are interested and want to participate! 
  2. You must incorporate Shakeology into your day. You can already be drinking it or purchase it with your program. 
  3. You must purchase or own the 21 Day Fix. If you already have it, GREAT! If not, click HERE to purchase it WITH Shakeology at a serious discount! 
  4. You must be my friend on Facebook so I can add you to the secret group! Click HERE to get to my profile and add me as a friend!
  5. You must fill out the application at the bottom of this blog post!

I hope you decide to join me and not let this holiday season get the best of you!


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