
Tuesday, March 5, 2013

March Madness!

Can you believe that today is March 5? Doesn't it seem like we were JUST celebrating New Year's?  Seriously - time needs to SLOW DOWN!

Did you know that there's only 3 months until Summer? That means that you have around 90 days to get your bathing suit body. Are your arms, legs, and belly ready for the teeny tiny clothes that accompany summer? What about that bathing suit? If all you have left to do is get a spray tan so you're not so pasty, then you still have time.

But, if you still have your winter weight hanging around your mid section, you do realize that a quick spray tan isn't going  to make that go away - right? It's gonna take time. It's gonna take hard work. It's gonna take dedication.

Most of the time, when people decide to get healthy or do something about their weight, it ends up being a mad dash to change it right now. How many times have you said "Oh, I'll just not eat for a few days and then I"ll be good to go."? How did that work for you? Were you just a raging lunatic who ended up eating a TON of bad stuff? Yup, that's what I though.

Maybe you have even signed up for a gym membership - woo hoo! You get home from work each night, get everyone settled, put on your workout clothes, go BACK out into the cold (it's snowing at I type this), drive to the gym, spend a good hour doing your workout, then back out into the cold to drive home. If you are anything like me, that probably lasted for a week or two and now you're out 2 months gym membership (cause you have to cancel 30 days in advance), you haven't lost a pound, and  you're even more frustrated! Did you know that what the picture below says is TRUE? No wonder you got so frustrated so quickly at the gym!

Well, all that ^^^ right up there is said with experience. I have struggled with my weight my ENTIRE life. Especially since I've been married and had my babies. My hubs and I made time to go to the gym before our son was born and it wasn't too bad because we lived really close. Now, I want to spend my spare time with my family. I don't wanna work 8 hours a day and then be gone for another 2 working out!

I'm feeling froggy today, so let me remind you of what I looked like just 5 SHORT MONTHS ago. Yes, today marks my 5 month anniversary of my journey with getting healthy. When my good friend Bethany first gave me these pictures, I was devastated. I was embarrassed  I couldn't believe I looked the way I did.

See that shirt? It was a basic stretchy t-shirt from the Gap. It was an XXL. I was wearing an XXL, size 20 pants and I STILL had a muffin top. Honestly, I look at that picture and I don't even see my beautiful children. All I see is how unhappy I was with myself. How sad is that?

Well, I made the decision THEN to do a 90 day challenge. I wasn't putting it of anymore. I was SCARED TO DEATH that I was going to fail. I asked my coach what the failure rate was. She assured me that if I followed the plan and REALLY committed, I would succeed.

And - guess what - I DID! I now wear a size 8 pants and a size medium shirt! in 5 short months! I am still in disbelief. Here's that before shot with my most recent (I had just gotten out of the shower) "in progress" shot. I don't call them after shots because I'm not done yet ;)

Here's another one from a few days ago. I think this one shows off my arms nicely. Yes, there's still flab but it's quickly disappearing! This was after my Body Beast Build Back/Bis workout on Monday.

 And I thought the pics of me in this collage show off just how far I have come since that before pic. I can see the biggest difference in my arms and my waist in this pic. And Sagi looks pretty dang good too - yum!

Ok - so on to the point of this blog post!

I want YOU to have the same results as me! Don't shake your head no at me! You CAN do it! I believe in you!

I have 4 options for you this month:

  1. Join my FREE 30 day March Total Body Madness group on FB for a free daily workout.
  2. Join my March 11th, 90 day challenge group. For this group, you will need to commit to working out to a Beachbody program for 90 days, drink shakeology for 90 days, and eat clean for 90 days. *this is what I did*
  3. Join my March 18th, 30 day Clean Eating/Shakeology challenge group. For this group, you will need to commit to eating clean and drinking shakeology for 30 days. It's a great way to start your fitness journey.
  4. Join my April 1st, 90 day Challenge Group. It's just like the March 11th Challenge Group, but it's starting on April 1st! No, I'm NOT joking ;)
So, in order to participate in any of these groups, friend request me on FB (click here) and then shoot me a message. I will help you choose what group is best for you and what workout program will work best for you! 

Don't wait any longer! Summer is JUST around the corner!


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