Friday, January 18, 2013

Summer Slim Down Challenge

So, you have all seen me posting about my upcoming Jan. 28th Challenge Group. Preseason starts on the 28th with our workouts starting on Feb. 4.

I picked this particular date (Jan. 28) for a few reasons:

#1 - It's a Monday. I love to start challenges on a Monday.
#2 - It's the end of the month. Why does EVERYTHING have to start at the beginning of the month. Let's be different.
#3 - We will be finishing the challenge on May 4th. YES, May 4th. HELLO bathing suit season!

If you are SICK and TIRED about not being comfortable in your own skin and clothes in the summer - NOW IS THE TIME to do something about it. Don't wait until March or April or even May! DO IT NOW!

Now is the time to eat right.

Now is the time to be accountable.

Now is the time to commit to working out.

Now is the time to drink Shakeology daily.

Why keep waiting? If I had put it off one more day, I never would have started. I am now down 47 pounds! DID YOU HEAR THAT??? 47 POUNDS! I couldn't be happier! These results are REAL! I'm REAL! If I can do this, then you can too! Can you see the results below? Seriousl?!?! That is ME! And, I'm down another 5 pounds since then!

Please, take the time and do something for YOURSELF. Be the person you have always wanted to be. Don't hide inside yourself anymore! I FINALLY feel like the person on the outside matches the person on the inside - and I'm not done yet!

Is it gonna take hard work - YES!
Is it gonna take dedication - YES!
Is it gonna take some money - YES!

But - aren't you worth it? I think you are!

Click on the picture below sign up for a FREE Team Beachbody membership. I will be your coach. I will help you succeed! There are TONS of tried and true programs to commit to. I will help you pick the best one for you!

Please send me a message via FB or leave a comment here if you want in on the challenge or even just want help cleaning up your diet. I want to help you be the best version of yourself! Inside and out! LET'S DO THIS!


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